Fractional leadership

We provide game-changing leadership that combines strategy and coaching to elevate the philanthropic performance of your entire organization.

Why hire a fractional chief development officer?

Leadership gaps often form in times of transition. Your organization may be looking for a new permanent leader. Or you don't currently have the expertise needed to meet your goals. This cost-effective and flexible solution provides you immediate executive-level leadership for your entire organization, or for a campaign or special initiative, so you don't overburden in-house resources or make a long-term hiring commitment until you're ready.

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Cost-effective expertise when you need it

Far too often, development organizations can't bridge the gap between a "big idea" and getting it done because of turnover, vacancies, or budget limitations—and that means leaving money on the table. Your philanthropic sustainability depends on closing the gap between strategy and capacity—and that's what a Fractional CDO can help you do. 

For nonprofits and organizations struggling with resources or talent shortcomings, a Fractional CDO provides the coaching and expertise that builds your team's capacity to excel.

Game-changing leadership

Sustainable philanthropy aligns strategy with capacity. We know leadership turnover stalls philanthropic initiatives, risking lost revenue in a competitive nonprofit landscape. That's why we provide temporary executive leadership and guidance, in the form of coaching and philanthropic strategy, as a cost-efficient and effective way for you to succeed during times of transition or other challenges. 

For a more hands-on approach

In addition to our executive strategy and guidance, we also provide fractional leadership by seasoned professionals who oversee day-to-day development operations and ensure your team is aligned and working toward its goals. This solution is optimal for an organization that has leadership in place but is looking for someone to temporarily guide or oversee its development operations.

The MOST™ Philanthropy Model

Our approach is based on not only maximizing your immediate fundraising potential but also strengthening the connection between your institution and its community of supporters, paving the way for more engaged, inclusive, and impactful philanthropy that carries you into the future.  

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Ready to work together?

Schedule a call to tell us more about your needs and what you want to accomplish.

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